Large river around the state are well above average and dirty due to the everyday day rain most of them have been getting. The fact that it doesn’t rain all day has left small and mid size streams in decent shape as they clean up and lower quicker. Water temps on all the water shed are in the low to mid 60’s.
After todays showers, we get a break for the feast of the week setting us up for a good Independents day weekend.
Before the rains came we had several “Learn to fly fish” schools. These schools are a great way to get started in, what couple be, a life long fun outdoor activity. Our schools are customized, so there are no other people except you and anyone you want to bring along. You get an attentive, one on one experience. Most people can cast at a novice level by days end. Some even get to catch a few.
Even if it rains, our guide have special places they can take you to put a bend in your rod.